The Planning and Zoning Ordinance's intent is to promote and protect the public health, safety, comfort, and general welfare of the people of City of Swanville.
Planning & Zoning Committee
The Planning and Zoning Committee was established in 2006 to establish rules on building in the city of Swanville. The committee worked hard on an ordinance that would promote building, but also protect the residents of Swanville. The City Council adopted the ordinances on March 6th, 2007 and Amended the Ordinance on January 6th, 2015, October 6th, 2015, and May 8th, 2018. The Planning and Zoning committee is headed by the City Council Committee and meets the first Tuesday of the Month at the City Council monthly meeting at 7:00 pm at the Swanville Center.
When applying for a permit, you or someone representing you, should attend the meeting.
Current Committee is the City Council and Lonny Hutchins (administrator).