The City of Swanville requires all residents to be hook to city water. Water is treated with fluoride.
As of January 3, 2023
Water Rates: $18.84 base+$6.59 per thousand gallons
Residents not hook-up to City Water (and it is available) are charged a $18.84 monthly rate.
Non-residents not hook-up to City Water (and it is available) are charged a $18.84 base.
Non-residents hook-up to City Water will be charged the $18.84 base rate + $5.52 per thousand gallons + a $21.86 service fee.
Fee to hook-up to City Water is $500.00
Payments are due by the 26th of the month
If water is disconnected because of lack of payment there is a $100.00 re-hook up charge when bill is paid.
Meters are read on or about the 26th of the month